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How to Convert Text to PDF?

If you are a student or work in the corporate world, you must have heard the word ‘PDF.’ Our superiors just love to give us a bunch of these files. But even in other industries and in your daily lives, you may have come across PDFs.

This is because PDF is sort of the primary format in which digital documents are stored and shared. This is due to multiple reasons; however, we will get into that later. The real question right now is how these PDFs are made.

A very simple and straightforward approach is to type out some text and convert that into a PDF. This article will focus on this conversion process so that you can easily create PDFs. We will also touch upon some side topics for informational purposes, so don’t miss out.

Why are PDFs so Important?

Did you know that according to PDF technologies, around 88% of e-books and academic journals adopted the PDF format by 2023 due to its reliability and universality? Statistics such as these show that PDFs are widely adopted around the world.

This is due to its simplicity and dynamic nature. It is easy to read and handle and can’t be manipulated easily. While some may argue that poor editability of PDFs is actually their weakness, it might not be the case every time. Sometimes minimal editability is what businesses or academic institutes realize because their goal is only to share content, not allow the viewers to manipulate it.

Additionally, to re-emphasize our previous point, there are 2.2 billion PDFs on the public web and around 20 billion on DropBox. This shows the massive presence of this file format and how it is benefitting so many people who are using it.

These are some of the basic reasons why PDF files are so important. So, if you also want to learn how to make them, stay with us.

How to Convert Text to PDF?

Now, let’s get down to business. How do you make a PDF? As you may have noticed, PDF files contain text for the most part. So, for simplicity’s sake, we will tell you how to create a text-only PDF file. The whole process is explained in short steps in the following:

  1. Go to word-processing software and write down the content you want in your PDF file. You can use MS Word or Google Docs for this.
  2. Next, go to an online text to PDF converter. Then, enter your text into the tool with proper formatting. You can also beautify your content using lists, text enhancement, fonts, and splitting it into paragraphs.
  3. Then, click on the Convert button.
  4. After that, the tool will process your information and show you the finalized PDF file.
  5. Click on download to get your final PDF file.

In this way, your text will be converted into a PDF copy. Yes, it is this simple and no, it doesn’t have a catch.

However, you might not always want a PDF file that simply contains plain text. You might want some images or graphs in your PDF as well. To do that, you can simply create a well-formatted Word Document with various digital elements.

After your document is finalized, just put it into an online Word to PDF converter. The process is almost identical to the one explained above. The only difference is that instead of inputting text, you have to input the file itself. This method also works for text-only files but is more useful when there are other elements as well.

You can also directly convert images into PDF files. Even though this conversion might not have a lot of applications, you can use our Image to PDF converter for it.

FAQs About Text to PDF Conversion

Some questions that often come up regarding this topic are answered in the following. Go through them to clear up any confusion you might have.

1. How do I convert text to PDF on my phone?

Just like online converters, there are also mobile applications related to such conversions. You can find multiple apps both on Android and iOS. Download them, enter your text, and download the converted PDF.

2. Is Text to PDF conversion free?

Yes, our Text to PDF converter is completely free. You can convert your text files to PDF without any cost, offering you a simple and efficient solution for your document needs.

3. What is used to extract text from a PDF?

Just like you can create PDF files through text, you can also convert PDF files into text. For this, there are tools known as PDF to Text converters. These work in the same way as explained above, but their inputs and outputs are opposite.

4. How do you convert sensitive text into PDF?

You can use the methods that we have shared for all types of content. This is because credible online converters keep your data protected from any and all external sources. 


As we have mentioned multiple times now, documents are mostly present in PDF form. This is proof enough that knowing how to handle and create this format is highly important. We have shown you the methods and relevant tools for this purpose. Now, you can create PDFs from scratch. You can use this skill in various ways.

So, whenever your boss tells you to create a PDF attachment for an important email or your professor tells you to submit an essay in PDF form, you don’t have to worry. You can carry out these tasks easily now. We hope this article was helpful to you.