Refund Policy

Can I get a refund after activation of Premium Subscription?

No sorry! We do not issue a refund after activation or use of the premium subscription because in the premium version, there is an increase in image size image, per-submission limit, and total number of images, and there is no other difference in the text extraction between the premium and free versions.

Can I Ask for a Refund if the website is down?

We can't remember the last time our site went offline. In fact, if this is the case, we can't issue a refund from the company's point of view, In the case, that the site is down for the whole day, or if your queries run out and nothing happens, we'll be happy to compensate you by extending your queries limit or extend your limit for one day

Do I get a Refund if I buy the same Plan twice?

Sure! We have a very clear policy for duplicate purchases, we will refund one of your two purchases.

Do I get a Refund if I buy two different plans at a time?

No, if you have bought the weekly and monthly plans, then we will increase your limit and validity because the weekly plan is not refundable. If you have bought the monthly or yearly plan then we will give you a refund for the monthly plan or if you wish we will increase the validity limit for one month.

Do I get a Refund if I buy during the Sale?

Sorry, we do not issue a refund if you have bought the plan at a discounted price or in the sale. Regardless, we will help you by canceling your auto-renewal charge further.

Can I get a Refund for a Recurring Charge?

When you are buying a plan, there's a choice to switch between Auto Rebilling and Manual Rebilling, on the checkout page. In the case that you go with auto-renewal at that point, your membership will be renewed at the end of the designated period. Once the charge is through, it cannot be refunded. However, we will assist you by canceling the auto charge for your next charge. You can contact us at support email: for that.